
As An Angel of Light

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Faith Food Devotions Spring

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Gathering Up The Spoil DVD

Gathering Up The Spoil DVD

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On this power-packed DVD from?Campmeeting 1998, Kenneth E. Hagin explains that you are opposed by a defeated enemy and teaches you how to gather up the spoil of the battle Jesus won deliverance, salvation, diving healing, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, righteousness, peace, and joy.

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It's Your Time to Shine

It’s Your Time to Shine

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It’s so easy in today’s world to let our spiritual shine grow dim. The cares of life can make us feel tired and tarnished. But God has provided a way for us to be refreshed and renewed so we can shine brightly for Him!As you read It’s Your Time to Shine, you’ll be inspired to:?.

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Plans, Purposes & Pursuits

Plans, Purposes & Pursuits

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What are you going to say when you stand before the Lord Jesus and He asks you, “Did you follow My plans for your life, or your own?”

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Hey, God, Why is it Taking so Long?

Hey, God, Why is it Taking so Long?

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A Fresh Anointing

A Fresh Anointing

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Are You an Empty Cistern Or a Full Reservoir? God said of Israel in the Old Testament: “For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cistern, that can hold no water”?(Jer. 2:13). In other words, God’s people had chosen their own.

27 in stock
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Victory Over Darkness and All the Power of The Enemy DVD

Victory Over Darkness and All the Power of The Enemy DVD

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In the Old Testament, God promised Joshua and the children of Israel all the land upon which they set foot, but they still had to take possession of it. Likewise, believers have the authority to tread upon all the forces of darkness and bring their schemes to nothing.

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When the Spirit Gets to Movin' DVD

When the Spirit Gets to Movin’ DVD

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In the Winter Bible Seminar 1995 meeting captured on this DVD, the atmosphere was charged with Holy Ghost power!

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Understanding the Name of Jesus DVD

Understanding the Name of Jesus DVD

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When you really understand the authority behind the Name of Jesus, you can use what rightfully belongs to you and experience supernatural results every time!

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