Times of Refreshing DVD

Times of Refreshing DVD

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If you are beat down by circumstances, gripped by fear, or beset by drudgery, God wants to reinject you with spiritual, mental, and physical refreshment.

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The Life of Abundance DVD

The Life of Abundance DVD

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Through biblical truths and personal experiences, Rev. Hagin show in this powerful message that prosperity is available to you as God’s child! Learn how God’s promises can paint a picture of abundance in your heart and how faith makes that vision a reality in your life.

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Keys to Greater Glory DVDs

Keys to Greater Glory DVDs

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You can experience more of God’s glory—that awesome manifestation of His Presence! In the Old Testament, the glory of God dwelled in the Holy of Holies in God’s temple and appeared only occasionally. Under the New Covenant, God’s glorious Presence can manifest in a greater measure in believers, who are the temples of the Holy.

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A Place Called There DVD

A Place Called There DVD

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God has a perfect plan for you. If He tells you to go “there” as He did Elijah in First Kings chapter 17, then “there” is God’s place of purpose, provision, and power for you. Too many believers don’t follow His directions, and then wonder why success and victory elude them. In this powerful DVD.

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The Untapped Power In Praise CDs

The Untapped Power In Praise CDs

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Unload! Know Your Limit and Reach Your Destination with God
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The Wisdom Series CDs

The Wisdom Series CDs

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God places a high priority on gaining wisdom—the knowledge and understanding of His truth and His ways. In fact, the Word says we can obtain no greater treasure than the wisdom of God! In this 3-CD series, Kenneth W. Hagin provides practical, down-to-earth teaching about walking in God’s wisdom and presents scriptural ways to deal.

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Winning the War of Words CDs

Winning the War of Words CDs

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Winning in Time of Trouble CDs

Winning in Time of Trouble CDs

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Many people in the Bible encountered troubles, but as they trusted God, He delivered them out of them all. In this 4-CD series, Kenneth W. Hagin helps us develop a winning attitude and encourages us to hold on to God’s promises until victory comes! Disc titles include: Disc 1—Dealing With Troubles Disc 2—Winning in the.

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Thanksgiving: A Continuous Flow CDs

Thanksgiving: A Continuous Flow CDs

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God has done great things for us—too many to be counted in just one day! That’s why we must overflow continually with thanksgiving. In this 3-CD series, Kenneth W. Hagin reminds us that we should thank God not only for the material blessings we have, but also for our spiritual blessings.  These anointed messages help.

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