Incline Thine Ear Part 3 DVD

Incline Thine Ear Part 3 DVD

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You can walk in healing, provision, and all of God’s blessings by obeying His instructions to “incline thine ear” to His Word.

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Incline Thine Ear Part 2 DVD

Incline Thine Ear Part 2 DVD

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Teaching at Rhema Healing School, Kenneth E. Hagin reveals how faith in Jesus’ wonderful Name leads to victory, provision, and protection.

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Incline Thine Ear Part 1 DVD

Incline Thine Ear Part 1 DVD

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You can walk in healing, provision, and all of God’s blessings by obeying His instructions to “incline thine ear” to His Word

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Five Rules for a Successful Prayer Life DVD

Five Rules for a Successful Prayer Life DVD

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In this classic message from a 1978 prayer seminar, Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin explains five vital prayer principles.

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Facing Your Goliath DVD

Facing Your Goliath DVD

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Do you find yourself facing insurmountable obstacles such as circumstances, attitudes, the fruit of wrong decisions, or opposition and discouragement? Don’t fear. You can bring down these giants in your life just the way David defeated Goliath – with faith in God and all He promises you in His Word.

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El Shaddai: The God Who is More Than Enough DVD

El Shaddai: The God Who is More Than Enough DVD

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In this classic DVD, Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin preaches one of his best-loved sermons with a fiery anointing.  

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A Place Called There DVD

A Place Called There DVD

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God has a perfect plan for you. If He tells you to go “there” as He did Elijah in First Kings chapter 17, then “there” is God’s place of purpose, provision, and power for you. Too many believers don’t follow His directions, and then wonder why success and victory elude them. In this powerful DVD.

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You Can Have Success CD

You Can Have Success CD

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You Can Have Peace CD

You Can Have Peace CD

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Are the cares of life overtaking you? Is worry robbing you of a good night’s sleep? On You Can Have Peace, Rev. Lynette Hagin reads verses from the Bible dealing with peace and comfort over a background of soothing music. Let the Word of God bring peace to your life today!

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You Are God's Garden CDs

You Are God’s Garden CDs

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